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Lincolnton, NC 28092
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Over the years I have noticed an alarming rate of increase in trash polluting our lands and waterways. Single use items are a big problem but they are not worst. You combine single use items with materials that are not bio-degradable or sustainable makes the problem that much more urgent. I believe that the Eco-Friendly community is seriously underrepresented. Our mission is to bring more awareness of sustainable, bio-degradable eco-friendly products to the world; to remove dependence on single use items. Our goal is to bring this type lifestyle to the forefront of society. If we can accomplish this then our children and our children’s children will be able to swim in clean oceans and rivers. They will be able to enjoy the supreme beauty of nature at its best. We can slow down or stop the de-forestation of our planet there by reversing the increase in planetary temperatures.
Lincolnton, NC 28092